
  • Rates for English speaking private guide are as follows:
    1. 30 Euro for up to 4 hours;
    2. 60 Euro for more than 4 hours ( plus 20 Euro for 2 meals );
  • Rates for Japanese speaking private guide are as follows:
    1. 40 Euro for up to 4 hours;
    2. 80 Euro for more than 4 hours ( plus 20 Euro for 2 meals )
  • Rates are per group, not per person.
  • Please specify what other reservations you would like me to take care of on your behalf (such as hotels, restaurants, transportation, shows).
  • As soon as you contact me for a tour or a tailor tour and specify date of arrival in Romania and specify also other reservations you would like me to handle, an estimation of costs of the tour will be sent to you.
    Also I shall send you an email with links to the official webpages of hotels, restaurants, museums and other attractions. The links to the official webpages of hotels are very useful because you can see actual price of the hotels and you can choose a hotel according to the budget of the tour.
  • Breakfast is included in the price of the hotel and will be served at the restaurant of the hotel.
  • As for lunch and dinner, you can choose to eat at fancy restaurant or local food restaurant or coffee-shop or conveniance store nearby hotel. If time is very important for you, please be informed that eating in a restaurant takes usually up to 1h30min. 
  • Museums and other attractions are not clearly specified at each tour. So you can choose the places to visit according to your interest. If you are not sure what to choose, please ask me for details.
  • Your tour is considered 100% booked once we receive your payment for your deposit; The amount of deposit is 100 Euro in our bank account, for any tour.
  • Please pay commission of your bank and our bank.  ( Estimated costs of commissions for both banks is up to 25 euro. )
  • For payment of the deposit there are 2 options:
    1. Wire transfer funds directly from your bank to our bank in Romania, in Euro. ( Contact us for full wire code details. )
    2. Purchase an international money order, available from your local Post Office, payable to Marius Petre. ( Contact us for full address details. )
  • The rest of the amount for your private guide will be paid in cash ( Euro ) on arrival  in Bucharest.
  • Payment for all hotels of the tour will be paid by credit card(VISA, MASTERCARD, JCB) or cash(Euro) at a travel agency in Bucharest, the day of arrival in Romania or next day. In case you decide to pay by credit card at travel agency, it is a must to know the pin code of your credit card.
  • Payment for transportation will be paid cash(Euro), the day of arrival in Romania.
  • Payments for restaurants, museums and shows will be paid at each place, in local currency(Lei); at some places, payment is also possible by credit card (VISA , MASTERCARD).

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